Introduction to Bash

Mauricio Sevilla




Shell is one of the most powerful tools on scientific programming,

  • Natural for programming.
  • Way to interact with a server.
  • Very useful when managing data.


There are two different kinds of user interfaces

  • GUI (Graphical User Interface)
    • Aqua (Mac)
    • Gnome (Ubuntu/Linux)
    • Unity (Ubuntu/Linux)
  • CLI (Command Line Interface)
    • Bash
    • DOS
    • Powershell

We are very used to the GUI.

At some cases CLI is way better.

Graphical User Interface

It is done for using,

  • Using already existing software.
  • Just by clicking on existing controls you get to use existing funtionalities
  • Pretty useful for some computational operations.

Command Line Interface

It is done for creating.


Bash is the name of the shell used on Ubuntu and Mac.

It will allow us to acces to the computer and its services and programs.

Special Characters

There are some characters saved for Bash

Character Description Character Description
\ Escape Character / Directory Separator
. Current Directory .. Parent Directory
~ Home Directory * Bonus Character
? Bonus Character (1) [ ] Range of Values
| Pipeline > Redirect Output
>> Redirect Output < Redirect input
; Run in Background && Command Separator
& Command Separator # Comment

Files and Navigation

There are some commands we need to learn in order to move along the bash

Command Description
pwd Print Working Directory
ls List
cd Change Directory
mkdir Make Directory
rmdir Remove Directory
rm Remove
more To read files
cat To read files

To open a terminal,

  • On Ubuntu,


  • On Mac,



echo prints the following string

In [2]:
echo test

cd for Change-Directory, this command allows you to move among folders

In [2]:

ls for list, this command shows the files on the working folder

In [3]:
Applications    Downloads       Movies          Public
Desktop         Dropbox         Music           untitled folder
Documents       Library         Pictures

pwd for print-working-directory

In [4]:
In [5]:
man pwd
PWD(1)                    BSD General Commands Manual                   PWD(1)

     pwd -- return working directory name

     pwd [-L | -P]

     The pwd utility writes the absolute pathname of the current working
     directory to the standard output.

     Some shells may provide a builtin pwd command which is similar or identi-
     cal to this utility.  Consult the builtin(1) manual page.

     The options are as follows:

     -L      Display the logical current working directory.

     -P      Display the physical current working directory (all symbolic
             links resolved).

     If no options are specified, the -L option is assumed.

     Environment variables used by pwd:

     PWD  Logical current working directory.

     The pwd utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

     builtin(1), cd(1), csh(1), sh(1), getcwd(3)

     The pwd utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').

     In csh(1) the command dirs is always faster because it is built into that
     shell.  However, it can give a different answer in the rare case that the
     current directory or a containing directory was moved after the shell
     descended into it.

     The -L option does not work unless the PWD environment variable is
     exported by the shell.

BSD                             April 12, 2003                             BSD
In [6]:
Applications    Downloads       Movies          Public
Desktop         Dropbox         Music           untitled folder
Documents       Library         Pictures
In [7]:
mkdir test_new_folder
In [8]:
Applications    Downloads       Movies          Public
Desktop         Dropbox         Music           test_new_folder
Documents       Library         Pictures        untitled folder
In [9]:
rmdir test_new_folder
In [10]:
Applications    Downloads       Movies          Public
Desktop         Dropbox         Music           untitled folder
Documents       Library         Pictures

Working with files

We can now start using some of the previous concepts and instructions

In [11]:
echo text > file.txt
In [12]:
cat file.txt


Try with more and less

Can you see a difference?